Rules of the Festi-GrÎles competitors
of the Cote-Nord
Section A: General rules
1. The rules and regulations of the Festi-GrÎles competitors are applied at the reading and at the discretion of the official (s) in charge of the competition. Their decisions and interpretations are final and are not debatable.
2. The organizer will assign each team a well-defined area. All material / equipment of the teams must be contained within this zone. Sharing cooking space or cooking equipment is not allowed.
3. Participants must provide all necessary equipment and supplies, including a fire extinguisher, and their source of electricity. Participants are also responsible for disposing of ashes, grease, waste and gray water in the containers for this purpose provided by the organizer of the competition. When available, the competition organizers will distribute the necessary information to all competition teams regarding electricity, water and the disposal of ash, grease and waste, as well as all safety information, which may include municipal by-laws, government standards for health, fire and electrical codes.
4. The accepted fuels are: wood, wood pellets or charcoal (briquettes and lump charcoal). Equipment operating on propane gas and / or electricity is not authorized for cooking meat. Electrical supply systems such as worms, rotisserie or forced air fans are allowed. Participants can prepare and cook sauces, stuffing, and / or garnishes in advance. They can be cooked and / or reheated on any heat source, unless specifically excluded by the contest organizer and must be entered in the instruction sheet given to the teams. For example, "all preparation / cooking must be done on site" or "all cooking must be done on type of heat source" or other clearly defined terms.
5. The categories of the competition and the toppings applicable to each category are determined by the organizer of the competition, and must be entered in the instruction sheet given to the teams.
6. Either the organizer or an officially delegated party, will inspect the food of each registered team. Food for competition must be raw and not seasoned at the time of inspection. The Festi-GrÎles de la Cote-Nord does not allow pre-seasoned meat. Products that have been injected at the supplier's processing plant are authorized as long as no specific flavorings have been added. Food can begin to be seasoned, flavored, marinated and / or cooked only AFTER inspection. . Once inspected, these foods must remain at the competition site. Sauces can be cooked in advance. Meats which do not comply with this rule will be disqualified.
7. A competition category must allow one and only one of the following types of garnish:
STANDARD TRIM - Only green curly lettuce, Italian or flat parsley, curly parsley and Kale cabbage are allowed. No prank is allowed. An appetizer cannot be wrapped with another item (ie meat or pastry). Sauces, if used, must be on the starter. No sauce container is allowed. The '' chunks '' in the sauces should be cut into small dice. A "small dice" is defined as less than 1/8 of an inch in size. Any other additional edible food, of any kind, is allowed in the sauces everything is as long as these products are diced. Inedible items are not allowed in the presentation box.
OPEN TRIM - Everything is fine. The Chef's Choice or Dessert categories must use the OPEN TOPPING category. Stuffing, packaging, skewers, and decorations of all kinds, edible or not, are allowed. Pieces of any size and any ingredient can be used. Cooks should remember that the judges will be responsible for evaluating how the cook has represented the competition category. Excessive garnish or additional ingredients, which could mask the appearance and / or taste of the defined category, may result in a lower score.
NO TRIM - Only the edible parts of the target category should be in the box. Bones are allowed for the chicken and ribs categories. Molluscan appetizers can include their own, and only their own, shells, heads, or tails if desired.
The fillings for each category must be clearly indicated in the instruction sheet given to the teams. The trim is optional at all times. A competitor may present his / her entry to a designated category without garnish without penalty.
Any disqualified entry due to a violation of the garnish will receive a 1 from the judges not only for appearance, but also for taste and texture.
8. Only containers supplied by the competition can be used for product discounts. 9x9 styrofoam containers, pizza boxes, ½ aluminum pan, or other containers, can all be used at the discretion of the contest organizer. Teams may not use their own trays, dishes, or any other container not supplied by the contest organizer, unless clearly indicated in the instruction sheet given to the teams
9. No marks / traces of sauce or other marks on or in the delivery container or the shaping of the entry forms that could identify a team is authorized.
10. The competition organizer must declare in advance to each team in writing:
at. The categories of the competition.
b. The delivery time for each category of the competition.
vs. The filling rules for each category of competition.
11. The turn-ins window should be exactly 10 minutes. The time displayed for a given entry will mark the exact middle of this window. This will be strictly applied, according to the official competition clock, located at the judges' tent, without exception.
Example: Chicken announced time 12:00 The time window would be from 11:55 until 12:05 These time windows are supervised by competition officials at the table. An official clock will be available to teams during the team meeting and at the table. Teams are responsible for synchronizing their clock with that of the competition.
Example of discount hours:
2:00 p.m. chicken, Standard garnish
14:30 ribs, Standard garnish
12. Entries must contain at least six separate and distinct portions of each entry (one serving per judge seated at a table). Table captains or judges are not allowed to cut or separate entries.
13. All cooking zones must be cleaned BEFORE the teams leave the competition. All hot coals must be disposed of properly, in accordance with the organizers' instructions. The sites must be left after a competition in the same condition, or better than the condition they were on arrival. Failure to comply with this rule may result in consequences against a team, such as, but not limited to the allocation of costs incurred or disqualification from future events.
16. A team meeting will be led by the official of the Festi-GrÎles de la Cote-Nord, to explain the rules and regulations of the competition and to answer any questions the teams may have. The time and place of the cooks' meeting must be included in the instruction sheet given to the teams.
Section B: Judgment procedures
1. The Festi-GrÎles de la Cote-Nord uses a blind "double blind" system to judge. A delegate in advance will present each entry to a table of at least six judges, and the judges will not know which entry they are judging at any time.
2. The area designated for the judgment must be clearly defined, and will have an area visible and visible to the teams for the delivery of entries. Admission to the judging area is at the discretion of Festi-GrÎles officials.
3. Entries are evaluated according to the following criteria, and in the following order:
at. Appearance. The entry will be judged on how the entry is presented according to the defined category
b. Taste. How does entry taste in relation to the defined category?
vs. Texture. Has the starter been properly prepared and / or cooked (unburnt or raw or undercooked, etc.)? Is the texture of this food what it should be?
The judges must assess how the team represented the competition category. For example, if the category is the rib, the entry will be judged on the appearance of the rib, the taste of the rib and the texture of the rib. The score of the starter could be marked down if the fillings are excessive, the sauces hide or hinder the appearance, flavor or texture of the rib.
4. Each discount box will be presented to all judges at a table, the judges then note the score of the entry based on its appearance. Then, in turn, a sample of each discount box will be taken by each judge and placed on their judgment plate at the assigned location. Once all the judges have a sample of each discount box for this category, they must taste and judge each entry separately for taste and texture, and record the score on the sheet designated for this purpose before proceeding to the next entry.
5. The scoring system is based on integer values with the highest possible score being 9, incremental down to 2, which is the lowest possible score that a judge can award. A score of one (1) is a disqualification and requires the approval of the competition official.
6. If an entry raises a doubt that it contravenes a rule or regulation of the competition, it must be brought to the attention of the competition official. The contest official is the only person who is able to disqualify an entry. Entrances to the competition may be disqualified for:
at. Use of an unapproved rebate box
b. Discount box marking
vs. Use of unapproved packing
d. Marking, designing or formatting the entrance
e. Not enough portions for judges (at least six)
F. Breach of the sauce rules
G. Delay of late entry
h. Put an entry in the wrong category
i. Return meat other than that which has been approved or supplied, or any object not allowed in the delivery box (skewers, toothpicks, hair, glove tips, etc.)
An entry that is disqualified after delivery will receive a 1 (one) for all evaluation criteria, appearance, taste and texture.
An entry which is delayed or simply not delivered will not receive any score.
7. The score for each entry will be calculated on a possibility of 180 points maximum distributed as follows:
Appearance - 14.285%
Taste - 57.145%
Texture - 28.570%
The weighting factors for the point system are: Appearance - 0.5600, Taste - 2.2972, Texture / Tenderness - 1.1428.
8. The scores of each judge will be calculated using a total of 36 points, using the same breakdown as above. The judge with the lowest score will be dropped. If two entries receive the same total score after the lowest score has been abandoned, the tie will be broken in the following order until the tie is broken:
at. The team with the highest amount of score in terms of taste (not including the score of the abandoned judge).
b. The team with the highest score in texture (not including the score of the abandoned judge)
vs. The team with the highest appearance score (not including the score of the abandoned judge)
d. The team with the highest score from the abandoned judge.
e. If the teams are still tied, the computer randomly assigns values to each team, the higher of these randomly generated values will break the tie.
9. The total points accumulated per entry determine the classification in each category of the competition. The tie-breaking procedure will determine the order of arrival if necessary. This procedure does not affect the total points of a team in a given category.
10. The sum of the points of all the categories of the competition will determine the Grand Champion, and the Vice Grand Champion of the competition. These points could also be used to reward the team having collected the most points during a year of competition (team of the year). Other categories can be considered as separate contests. The categories must be clearly indicated on the instruction sheet given to the teams.
Section C: Food security and sanitation rules
Throughout the entire event, food safety and food handling will be of the utmost importance. Failure to comply with appropriate food safety guidelines can / will result in disqualification. The competition official will have the final judgment and decision regarding the current competition.
1. No smoking in the competition area, specifically during the preparation, handling, or cooking of food or when handing out presentation boxes.
2. Cleanliness of all team members, and of all equipment and the cooking area is mandatory.
3. Hand washing and the use of disposable food safety gloves should be used at all times when handling food, raw or cooked. Gloves should be changed often, especially when working with different products and when handling ready-to-eat food, especially after handling raw food.
4. Clothing, including, but not limited to, shirts and shoes must be worn in all areas of food preparation, and when handling food.
5. Teams must have three bins in place for washing, rinsing and disinfecting utensils.
Bac # 1 Cleaning must have hot soapy water,
Bac # 2 Rinsing must have clean water for rinsing,
Tray # 3 Disinfectant bleach / water solution (one cap of bleach / 4 liters of water).
Cleaning and disinfection of all preparation and work areas is mandatory. Use a bleach / water solution (one cap of bleach / 4 liters of water).
A cleaning location with flowing water for the hands is strongly recommended
6. The competition organizer must inform all candidates and competition officials in the instruction sheet given to the teams as to whether a first aid team is available.
7. Potentially hazardous foods (meat) should be kept at 5 ° C (40 ° F) or below, refrigerated or packaged in ice, before being cooked
8. After cooking, potentially dangerous foods (meat):
at. Must be kept at a minimum temperature of 60 ° C (140 ° F) or above, or
b. Potentially dangerous cooked food (meat) should be cooled:
Within 2 hours of 60 ° C to 22 ° C (140 ° F to 70 ° F) and
Within 4 hours from 22 ° C to 5 ° C (70 ° F to 40 ° F) or less
9. Potentially unsafe food (meat) that has been cooked, well cooled, and then reheated to keep it warm and serving should be reheated so that all parts of the food reach a temperature of at least 74 ° C (165 ° F) for a minimum of 15 seconds.
10. Any team that does not respect the safety and sanitation rules may be disqualified and / or expelled from the event, as well as future events of the organizer.
Section D: Reasons for disqualification
Teams can be excluded / disqualified from the event for the actions of one of its members or of these guests for offenses relating to:
1. The misuse of alcoholic beverages.
2. The service of alcoholic beverages to the general public.
3. The use of illegal substances.
4. Any language that is deemed aggressive, offensive, rude or unacceptable.
5. Fighting and / or disorderly conduct.
6. Use of unapproved heat sources inside the cooking appliance. In addition, if a team is disqualified for this reason, the team and its members may be banned from the competition for one year.
The official, the contest organizers and / or security personnel reserve the right to immediately disqualify any team, if there are repeated complaints from other teams or guests, or continued non-compliance with the rules above.
For clarifications or questions regarding these competition rules, please contact the organizer.